tirsdag 8. mars 2022

Opinion: With America's Eyes on Ukraine, Biden Made Biggest Concession to China Yet

With America's eyes fixed on Ukraine, the Biden administration just gave Communist China its greatest gift yet. In so doing, it caved—by its own admission—to the demands of American progressives, who serve as the Chinese Communist Party's most useful of idiots. In a little-noticed February 23 university speech, Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen of the Justice Department's National Security Division announced the department would be terminating its preeminent counter-espionage program, the China Initiative.

This comes as the Biden DOJ is ramping up its pursuit of Americans on the basis of purported "domestic terror" threats it has never explicitly defined or substantiated.

The Trump DOJ launched the China Initiative as part of the administration's comprehensive effort to confront the CCP. The program aimed to disrupt and deternational security threats posed by China with a focus on countering and prosecuting its economic espionage, intellectual property theft, hacking and related efforts to infiltrate and exploit strategically significant American institutions.