mandag 14. februar 2022

What Xi Jinping’s latest comments on food security suggest about China’s priorities for 2022

For the past couple of decades, safeguarding food security has been a critical priority for the Chinese central government. Beijing has sought to strengthen its focus on food security through increased agricultural production and diversification of imports, and President Xi Jinping’s recent comments signal continued concerns at the top about China’s food security

Ahead of the 20th National Party Congress this year and the release of the No. 1 policy document, there are already several hints regarding what the Chinese central authorities could prioritize in terms of food security for this year and beyond, based on various recent conferences, policies, and release of five-year plans (FYP). Other factors, including the potential influences of gene-edited plants, commercialization of genetically modified (GM) crops, and of a Russia-Ukraine conflict should also be considered.