mandag 30. august 2021

Why is the Communist Party clamping down on China's biggest stars and fan clubs?

The crackdown came quickly and sweepingly, wiping out some of China's biggest stars and fan clubs in a matter of days. Over the past week, China's entertainment industry has become the latest to fall into the crosshairs of the ruling Communist Party, following Xi Jinping's clampdown on political dissent, social activism, ideological liberalism and private businesses.

Zhao Wei, one of China's most prominent actresses, saw her presence mostly scrubbed from the country's internet overnight. Her fan page on Weibo, China's heavily censored version of Twitter, was shut down. Movies and television shows she starred in -- some going as far back as two decades ago -- were taken off streaming platforms, with her name also removed from the cast lists.

Broadcasters and video sites also removed the works of Zheng Shuang, another top Chinese actress who was fined $46 million for tax evasion on Friday. Zheng had been caught in a surrogacy scandal earlier this year, after her estranged partner accused her of abandoning their two babies in the United States.