søndag 7. februar 2021

Li Wenliang: 'Wuhan whistleblower' remembered one year on

Tributes have been paid on social media in China commemorating a doctor who raised the alarm about the country's coronavirus outbreak, one year after he died with Covid-19. Thousands paid tribute to Li Wenliang ahead of the first anniversary of his death on 7 February 2020. He died after contracting Covid-19 while treating patients in Wuhan.

Dr Li had tried to warn fellow medics of a disease that looked like Sars - another deadly coronavirus. But he was told by police to "stop making false comments" and was investigated for "spreading rumours". Dr Li was an eye doctor at a hospital in Wuhan - the central Chinese city where the first case of the coronavirus was detected at the end of 2019. Dr Li's death prompted a rare wave of grief and public anger over the Chinese government's handling of the coronavirus outbreak.