Twitter also revealed it has shut down more than a thousand Russia-based misinformation accounts. The firm said the Chinese network, which was based in the People's Republic of China (PRC), had links to an earlier state-backed operation it broke up alongside Facebook and YouTube last year. That operation had been pushing out messages about the political situation in Hong Kong.
søndag 14. juni 2020
Coronavirus: Twitter removes more than 170,000 pro-China accounts
Twitter has removed more than 170,000 accounts it says were tied to an operation to spread pro-China messages. Some of those posts were about the coronavirus outbreak, the social media platform has announced. The company said "a core network" of 23,750 highly active accounts had been deleted, along with another 150,000 "amplifier accounts".
Twitter also revealed it has shut down more than a thousand Russia-based misinformation accounts. The firm said the Chinese network, which was based in the People's Republic of China (PRC), had links to an earlier state-backed operation it broke up alongside Facebook and YouTube last year. That operation had been pushing out messages about the political situation in Hong Kong.
Twitter also revealed it has shut down more than a thousand Russia-based misinformation accounts. The firm said the Chinese network, which was based in the People's Republic of China (PRC), had links to an earlier state-backed operation it broke up alongside Facebook and YouTube last year. That operation had been pushing out messages about the political situation in Hong Kong.