lørdag 14. desember 2024

REVEALED: Alleged Chinese spy tied to Prince Andrew is businessman Yang Tengbo

 A businessman with close ties to Prince Andrew who has been banned from entry into the U.K. is a longtime operative who did little to hide his ties to Beijing. RFA can identify the man who served as a business advisor to the Duke of York as Yang Tengbo, a director of the consultancy Hampton Group International, based on details revealed in the immigration judgment against him, as well as evidence gathered from open source intelligence that corroborates information released by the U.K. court.

Yang is listed as a director of the London-based group, which was known to have gained connections to top U.K. government officials as early as in 2020, including Prince Andrew.

The judgment from the Special Immigration Appeals Tribunal made public Friday determined that a Chinese national, codenamed H6, should be barred from entering the U.K. on national security grounds, as he is alleged to have plotted to secretly advance Beijing’s interest in Britain using his ties to high profile figures.