In a post on its official Telegram account, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine said some North Korean troops, who had received training in Russia’s far east, have made their way to the western Russia region, where Ukraine has maintained a foothold since launching an incursion in August. The intelligence service said the troops had been seen in Kursk on Wednesday. It added that the roughly 12,000 North Korean soldiers that have been deployed to Russia are receiving training at five military training grounds in the country’s east.
fredag 25. oktober 2024
North Korean troops spotted in Russian border region with Ukraine, says Kyiv
A group of North Korean soldiers have been spotted in Russia’s Kursk region, an area that borders Ukraine and has seen ongoing military operations, Ukraine’s military intelligence service announced Thursday.
In a post on its official Telegram account, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine said some North Korean troops, who had received training in Russia’s far east, have made their way to the western Russia region, where Ukraine has maintained a foothold since launching an incursion in August. The intelligence service said the troops had been seen in Kursk on Wednesday. It added that the roughly 12,000 North Korean soldiers that have been deployed to Russia are receiving training at five military training grounds in the country’s east.
In a post on its official Telegram account, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine said some North Korean troops, who had received training in Russia’s far east, have made their way to the western Russia region, where Ukraine has maintained a foothold since launching an incursion in August. The intelligence service said the troops had been seen in Kursk on Wednesday. It added that the roughly 12,000 North Korean soldiers that have been deployed to Russia are receiving training at five military training grounds in the country’s east.