tirsdag 1. oktober 2024

In Retrospect: President Jimmy Carter and China

During the height of the Cold War former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping looked beyond their nations’ many differences and found common ground.

On Jan. 1, 1979, the two leaders normalized diplomatic relations between their countries, which had been estranged since the Communist Party established the People’s Republic of China in 1949 and the United States chose to back the Nationalists, who fled to Taiwan. In the years leading up to 1979, the U.S. imposed trade embargoes and forbade Americans from traveling to China; China, meanwhile, seized nearly $200 million in American assets and properties within its borders.

There wasn’t much love lost between the nations. But President Carter and Vice Premier Deng believed that rapprochement would make the world safer and benefit both the U.S. and China. After President Carter left office, he continued his efforts to improve relations between the two countries. He has visited China many times over the years and established a China Program within The Carter Center, which at one time helped monitor Chinese village elections and now pursues better relations and seeks opportunities for cooperation through a variety of channels.