søndag 8. september 2024

From China's Past: Nightmare Across the Land - the Cultural Revolution

It had been clear for weeks that China was heading for some sort of momentous crescendo, but no one knew exactly what to expect. Last week, as the impact of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution abruptly spilled out across the land, the nightmare of it all became chillingly clear. Mao Tse-tung aimed to blot out not only all traces of foreign influence, but to tear out China’s own cultural and historical roots as well.

Yearning to subject his country to the same hardships that he had endured on the Long March, Mao chose as the weapon for his campaign a new organization whose name derived from the civil war of the 1930s: the Red Guards. Originally, they were peasants who served Mao’s Red army as porters and scouts. Today’s Red Guards are high school and university students, often clad in military-type khaki trousers and belted jackets, and always wearing a red arm band. They seemed to be under the command of Mao’s longtime ghostwriter, Chen Pota, 62, now a leader of the Cultural Revolution. Chen’s order: “You must temper yourselves by going among the masses and getting yourselves covered over and over again with muck.”