tirsdag 27. august 2024

Opinion: Why Tibet Matters?

Tibet is the “Roof of the World,” “the Water Tower of Asia,” and the “Third Pole.” Despite these facts, Tibet does not garner the same attention and concerns as Ukraine and the Middle East Crisis in today’s news. Understandably, the Ukraine and the Middle East Crisis are houses on fire, and Tibet is apparently not. However, while the world is duly concerned about and attending to the houses on fire, Red China tries to erase even the name ‘Tibet’. It now calls Tibet by its Chinese name ‘Xizang,’ with Tibet as such being no more. China forcibly expects the world to accept the Sinicized name for Tibet – ‘Xizang.’

Nevertheless, the fact remains that Tibet matters geopolitically and Tibet belongs to Tibetans, not Chinese. Arguably, Tibet matters from a social-ecological perspective. This article reflects on why Tibet matters, albeit the world may become apathetic and complacent.