tirsdag 27. august 2024

China’s Politburo meeting stresses Chinese-ness, ethnic unity, border stability

The Political Bureau (Politburo) of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has called for the forging of a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation to safeguard ethnic unity and stability in border areas during a meeting it held on Aug 23 to review policies and measures to open up a new vista in the large-scale development of the western region, according to China’s official Xinhua news agency.

The meeting of China’s top decision-making body was stated to have been chaired by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee.

The meeting was stated to have urged focused efforts to pursue well-coordinated environmental conservation, large-scale opening-up, and high-quality development, and move faster to create a new pattern of development to elevate overall regional strength and sustainable development capacity.