onsdag 14. august 2024

Beijing’s Baltic confession exposes undersea vulnerability

China has finally acknowledged that the Hong Kong-flagged ship NewNew Polar Bear was responsible for damaging critical undersea infrastructure in the Baltic Sea. The incident – which Beijing is calling an “accident” – occurred in October 2023 and involved the Chinese ship damaging the 77 kilometre Balticconnector pipeline, an essential energy source for Finland along with an undersea data cable that connects Estonia to Sweden.

The acknowledgement emerged in reporting by the South China Morning Post this week, but it won’t put an end to suspicions about cable sabotage.

Estonian Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur suggested at the time that the damage to the pipeline and communications cable was likely deliberate. Finnish authorities, who recovered the anchor from the Chinese vessel that had dragged across the pipe and cable, deemed it a “deliberate external act” but were powerless to arrest the ship’s master after the vessel subsequently sailed to Russian ports and then into international waters.