torsdag 20. juni 2024

World Refugee Day: China's political refugees remain at risk long after leaving country

Chinese nationals are seeking political asylum in ever larger numbers, but face transnational repression from China and lack of understanding from foreign authorities as they flee persecution, refugees and those who help them told RFA Mandarin in recent interviews. A Chinese activist who supported an online free speech campaign that saw its leader arrested in Laos and is “terrified” of being sent back to China is now facing deportation from Denmark after her asylum application was rejected by authorities there.

Liu Dongling fled China in 2018 when her son was refused an education by authorities after she helped victims of forced evictions to apply for compensation through legal channels, she told RFA Mandarin in an interview recorded two days before World Refugee Day, June 20. She said the authorities claimed they couldn't be sure from the evidence she submitted that she was at risk if she went back to China. But Liu says she knows otherwise, citing repeated phone calls from a state prosecutor from her home city of Zhengzhou.

"I gradually realized that this Gaoxin District People's Procuratorate official called Li Hongbin had been put in charge of my case, relating to when I was helping others with their [forced eviction complaint] cases," Liu said. "I realized that the fact that he kept calling me put me in danger."