lørdag 2. mars 2024

What to Watch at China’s Two Sessions in 2024

Where is China heading? This perennial question of executives, investors, and policymakers has taken on new urgency as markets slide, growth slows, international tensions rise, and politics remains in command. That is the context for this year’s Two Sessions, one of the most important watchpoints for analyzing Beijing’s policy outlook.

The Two Sessions are the concurrent annual meetings of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which begins on March 4, and the National People’s Congress (NPC), which opens on March 5. The meetings are likely to conclude around March 11.

The CPPCC is a United Front organization that mobilizes social groups to support and advise the Party-state. The NPC is China’s unicameral legislature and notionally the supreme organ of state power. Both bodies are under the control of the Communist Party of China (CPC), but they serve distinct and important political functions.