torsdag 12. januar 2023

Nobel panel knew Kissinger Vietnam deal unlikely to bring peace, files show

The 1973 Nobel peace prize to top US diplomat Henry Kissinger and North Vietnam’s Le Duc Tho, among the most disputed in the award’s history, was given in the full knowledge the Vietnam war was unlikely to end any time soon, newly released papers show. Nominations to the Peace prize remain secret for 50 years. On 1 January, documents about the prize awarded to Kissinger and Hanoi’s chief negotiator Tho were made available on request.

The decision shocked many at the time as Kissinger, then US national security adviser and secretary of state under President Richard Nixon, played a major role in US military strategy in the final stages of the 1955-75 Vietnam conflict. “I am even more surprised than I was at the time that the committee could come to such a bad decision,” said Stein Tønnesson, a professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo who reviewed the documents.

Kissinger and Tho reached the January 1973 Paris peace accords, under which Washington completed a military withdrawal from South Vietnam, having largely ended offensives and avoided combat against the communist North in the face of worsening troop morale and huge anti-war protests in America.