tirsdag 8. mars 2022

PCC Warns China Will Be Hit Hard by Climate Change

China will be among the countries hardest hit by global warming and needs to do more to adapt to mounting climate hazards, according to a new report published this week by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Like many other Asian countries, China will need to find solutions to water and food insecurity, poverty and inequality, and more extreme weather events, according to the report, which is the second to come out as part of the IPCC’s sixth assessment cycle.

Without adaptation, China will suffer the world’s biggest economic losses as a result of rising sea levels and the resulting floods, a modeling study cited in the report estimates. China’s food security will also be threatened, as a warming climate is expected to affect yields of wheat, maize, rice, and fish.

The report offers a clear look at the dangers humanity faces over the coming two decades as well as by the end of the century, said Luo Yong, professor of earth science at Tsinghua University and a lead author of the report’s Asia chapter. “Our main takeaway is that it is very important to take immediate action now,” he said.