søndag 10. oktober 2021

China Slams Abbott Warning It Could 'Lash Out Disastrously' Over Taiwan as Xi Vows Reunification

On Saturday Chinese officials slammed recent remarks by former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott that China "could lash out disastrously very soon" over Taiwan, while President Xi Jinping's vowed "complete reunification." The comments follow China flying record numbers of warplanes into Taiwan's air defense zone in recent weeks and escalating tension between Beijing and Washington over the self-governing island.

On Friday, Abbott said of China, "Sensing that its relative power might have peaked, with its population aging, its economy slowing, and its finances creaking, it's quite possible that Beijing could lash out disastrously very soon." His comments came in a speech at the Yushan Forum in Taipei, where he called upon Beijing to scale back "the aggression."

The Chinese embassy in Australia shot back on Saturday, describing Abbott as a "failed and pitiful politician." It continued, "His recent despicable and insane performance in Taiwan fully exposed his hideous anti-China features. This will only further discredit him." Abbott said he believes the U.S. will not stand by and "watch Taiwan swallowed up" and that Australia shouldn't be "indifferent to the fate of a fellow democracy of almost 25 million people."