onsdag 10. mars 2021

China summons UK ambassador over 'arrogant' article on media freedom

Britain’s ambassador to China has been summoned for a dressing down by the authorities in Beijing over an “inappropriate” article she wrote defending recent international media coverage on the country, the foreign ministry said. Caroline Wilson’s article in Chinese was posted on the official WeChat account of the British embassy in Beijing last week, amid already tense relations between Britain and China over issues including Hong Kong, Xinjiang and the media.

Wilson sought to explain why foreign media criticism of the Chinese government did not mean the journalists responsible did not like China, but were in fact acting in “good faith” and playing an active role in monitoring government action.

In a statement, China’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday the Chinese government and people had never opposed foreign media, rather those who make up “fake news” to attack China and its ruling Communist party under the banners of press freedom and freedom of speech. China would lodge “stern representations” with Wilson, it said.