Ai Weiwei has never minced his words about China. "It is a police state," he says. The artist famously designed the Bird's Nest stadium for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, but ran into serious problems after he spoke out against the Chinese government. Eventually, in 2015, he left China to come to the West. He lived first in Berlin, and last year settled in Cambridge.
onsdag 30. september 2020
Ai Weiwei: 'Too late' to curb China's global influence
The leading Chinese dissident, the artist and filmmaker Ai Weiwei, says China's influence has become so great that it can't now be effectively stopped. "The West should really have worried about China decades ago. Now it's already a bit too late, because the West has built its strong system in China and to simply cut it off, it will hurt deeply. That's why China is very arrogant."
Ai Weiwei has never minced his words about China. "It is a police state," he says. The artist famously designed the Bird's Nest stadium for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, but ran into serious problems after he spoke out against the Chinese government. Eventually, in 2015, he left China to come to the West. He lived first in Berlin, and last year settled in Cambridge.
Ai Weiwei has never minced his words about China. "It is a police state," he says. The artist famously designed the Bird's Nest stadium for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, but ran into serious problems after he spoke out against the Chinese government. Eventually, in 2015, he left China to come to the West. He lived first in Berlin, and last year settled in Cambridge.