lørdag 18. januar 2020

Lao Workers Are Abused at a Chinese Factory in Luang Prabang

Lao workers at a Chinese-owned cement works in Luang Prabang are complaining of abuse and unfair practices, saying they are being made to work long hours at no extra pay and describing physical assaults by Chinese employees of the plant. Those reporting late for work find their salaries cut, one worker at the CONH Luang Prabang Co., Ltd., factory in Luang Prabang City told RFA’s Lao Service in an interview this week.

“But if we work two or three hours overtime, we aren’t paid for the extra time,” the worker said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “Some days, we don’t even get a lunch break,” he said, adding, “Many of us have quit.”

Also speaking to RFA, another worker confirmed the factory’s refusal to pay overtime for extra hours worked. “But if we’re even two or three minutes late, our salary will be reduced,” the worker said, adding that no health care is provided for factory employees, and that workers falling ill must pay for their care by themselves.