On Tuesday, Hong Kong’s chief executive, Carrie Lam, said health officials had “strengthened measures on all borders”. Since Monday, all travellers arriving on trains from Wuhan have been subjected to body temperature checks. Health authorities in Wuhan first reported 27 cases of an unidentified pneumonia-like illness at the end of December, a figure that jumped to 59 as of Sunday. The patients, seven of whom are in critical condition, have been quarantined. There have been no reported deaths.
torsdag 9. januar 2020
China mystery illness: travellers checked as officials fear lunar new year could spread bug
China has been battling what may be a new strain of pneumonia after 59 people contracted a mysterious respiratory illness in central China, prompting fears of another Sars outbreak. Health officials are worried about the upcoming Spring Festival in late January, when China celebrates lunar new year and millions of people will be travelling across the country to go home. Authorities have warned citizens to be on the lookout for symptoms like fever, difficulty breathing or body ache.
On Tuesday, Hong Kong’s chief executive, Carrie Lam, said health officials had “strengthened measures on all borders”. Since Monday, all travellers arriving on trains from Wuhan have been subjected to body temperature checks. Health authorities in Wuhan first reported 27 cases of an unidentified pneumonia-like illness at the end of December, a figure that jumped to 59 as of Sunday. The patients, seven of whom are in critical condition, have been quarantined. There have been no reported deaths.
On Tuesday, Hong Kong’s chief executive, Carrie Lam, said health officials had “strengthened measures on all borders”. Since Monday, all travellers arriving on trains from Wuhan have been subjected to body temperature checks. Health authorities in Wuhan first reported 27 cases of an unidentified pneumonia-like illness at the end of December, a figure that jumped to 59 as of Sunday. The patients, seven of whom are in critical condition, have been quarantined. There have been no reported deaths.