torsdag 19. desember 2019

Chinese ambassador says Xinjiang 'trainees' have graduated in rare press conference

China's ambassador to Australia has defended Beijing against accusations of human rights violations in a rare press conference Thursday, saying allegations that one million people had been detained in Xinjiang were "fake news."

In a carefully-worded series of answers, ambassador Cheng Jingye reiterated the Chinese government's stance that the massive centers weren't "detention camps" but vocational training schools that offered deradicalization programs.

Cheng said Thursday that the "trainees" at these schools had now all graduated.
"I understand now the trainees in the centers have all completed their studies and they have, with the assistance of the local government, they have gradually or steadily found their jobs," the Chinese ambassador said. China's mass camps in Xinjiang have become the focus of repeated allegations of human rights abuse over the past two years.