Malaysia’s film censors have ordered a scene to be removed from the animated movie Abominable which shows China’s nine-dash line in the South China Sea, an official has said, amid growing anger among countries with overlapping claims to the region. The U-shaped line is used on Chinese maps to illustrate its territorial claims over vast expanses of the resource-rich South China Sea, including areas claimed by other countries.
Vietnam pulled the movie from cinemas on Monday, while the Philippines’ foreign minister has called for the scene showing the map to be cut and the film boycotted. Malaysia’s film censorship board said on Thursday it has given the green light for the movie to be screened in cinemas without the scene depicting the map.
Vietnam pulled the movie from cinemas on Monday, while the Philippines’ foreign minister has called for the scene showing the map to be cut and the film boycotted. Malaysia’s film censorship board said on Thursday it has given the green light for the movie to be screened in cinemas without the scene depicting the map.