onsdag 1. mai 2019

China is becoming more popular than the U.S. in many Latin American countries

The Trump administration has embarked on a major public relations offensive to counter China’s growing influence in Latin America. But, so far, the U.S. effort is failing miserably. Earlier this week, a new survey by the CADEM polling firm in Chile - one of the closest U.S. allies in Latin America - showed that 77 percent of Chileans have a positive image of China, whereas only 61 percent have a positive image of the United States.

The same is happening in several other Latin American countries. In Mexico, 57 percent of those polled have a favorable view of China, compared with 43 percent who have a favorable view of the United States, according to a 2018 Latinobarómetro poll. In Argentina, 51 percent see China favorably, compared with 45 percent who view the United States that way. In Peru, China wins the public opinion race by 59 to 56 percent. In Venezuela, China is ahead by 63 percent to 62 percent, the Latinobarómetro survey.