China fell one place lower on Reporters Without Borders' (RSF) annual Index of Press Freedom, the group said, "because of the monopoly of power exercised by [its] president Xi Jinping." Citing Xi's amendment of China's constitution to enable him to serve a second, indefinite term in office, RSF said that the ruling elite suppress all debate in the country's state-run media, "while cracking down relentlessly on citizen journalists who try to make a dissenting voice heard."
"China’s anti-democratic model, based on Orwellian high-tech information surveillance and manipulation, is all the more alarming because Beijing is now promoting its adoption internationally," RSF warned.Not happy with obstructing the work of journalists within its borders, China is now trying to establish a "new world media order," the report said. "The Chinese system of total news control is increasingly serving as a model for other anti-democratic regimes," it said.