mandag 9. desember 2013

China’s ancient capital rises again

As the capital of China’s Shaanxi Province, Xi’an’s long history was aptly summed up by our English-speaking guide: “If Xi’an is the grandmother of cities, Beijing is a youth and Shanghai is just a baby in the womb.” Read more

David Cameron's humiliation in Beijing may yet serve a useful purpose

Rarely have the exaggerated pretensions of a British prime minister been so harshly and humiliatingly brought crashing to earth as with David Cameron's policy on China. China's leaders are too skilled in diplomacy to state it bluntly during Cameron's current Beijing visit, but the rest of the world, including numerous British commentators, knows exactly what has occurred. Read more

David Cameron's export drive looks increasingly desperate

The Prime Minister seems to have no shame at turning salesman, as his trip to China showed, but a new golden era for British exporters stubbornly refuses to arrive. Read more

China: the must-visit destination for cash-seeking world leaders

UK and other nations are keen to benefit from China's economic power and seem prepared to push aside human rights concerns. Read more

"I think China obviously uses its growing economic power to send a clear message, or signal, to foreign leaders. The Chinese government might close some doors, or make things more difficult if they see foreign leaders deliberately challenge their interests."

- Mao var større enn Nelson Mandela

Kineserne forbereder 120-årsdagen for formann Maos fødsel, og Mao-beundrerne går mann av huse for å hylle sin ideologiske fører. På bloggertjenesten Sina Weibo omtales han som større og langt mer karismatisk enn avdøde Nelson Mandela. Dessuten gjorde han langt mer for "folket".

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Journalister kan bli kastet ut fra Kina

To dusin journalister som arbeider for New York Times og Bloomberg News, står i fare for å bli kastet ut av Kina. De to nyhetstjenestene har avdekket korrupsjon på høyt nivå i landet. Les mer